Monday, August 31, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama You can head over to to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not send my child to the first day of 1st grade with both his shirt and shorts on backwards. I would never do any thing like that knowing he was already so nervouse and not wanting to go to school to begin with. I am a much better mom than that. I did not notice his shirt on backwards only because I was trying to pin a name tag on him. And I did not have him turn it around with everyone in his class right by him. Not me I would never put my child in an embarrassing situation like that. I also check to make sure he is properly dressed

I did not decide to cook a chicken in the crock pot and I absolutely did not season the bottom of it and cook it upside down. And I most certainly did not wonder were all the meat was when I cut into it and was only hitting bone. Nope not me.

When preparing to travel with the family to go see Kenny’s grandparents, I did not make a banana sour cream cake, and I did not wish I could have eaten it as soon as I took it out of the oven. I did not send my hubby to target to pick up some baking powder which they did not have and then I did not ask him to check the grocery store that was next to Target. When he called me to tell me that they wanted almost $5 for it I did not say to him “well that’s just a rip off, maybe Walmart has some?” The great hubby he is, went to check! He did not go to two Walmart's before he found some and it did not cost $1.04.

I did not just use Target and Walmart in the same paragraph and I most certainly did not do it again just now. I would never do any thing like that since I do not absolutely love target.

I am not procrastenating about steam cleaning the livingroom floor wich is already amazingly clean. I would not do such a thing. I have OCD when it comes to cleaning so my house is emaculant 24/7. I am not tempted to call in the profetionals to pamper myself and have them clean my floor for me. I would vever give the dirty work to someone else.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

At The Fair 2009

We took Justin to the fair a few weeks ago and he had so much fun.
These pictures were taken right before we left.

He really was excited. He just wanted to do a serious picture.

I think it is adorable

Playing it the dirt

Justin was a little nervous going into the fun house but once he got through it the first time he just kept going. This was his fifth or sixth time in and he did not want to stop long enough for me to take his picture.

Did you see the smiles :)

Such a little big man!

Ready to swing

Ummm...Yeah well looks like justin was not

the only one who was having fun. :)

As usual the animals loved Kenny

Awe sooo cute they also enjoyed Justin

Justin (I mean) Joe was at the Fair with Blue

Justin loved the hay maze

Waiting for a ballon sword and holder


Justin wanted daddy to go with him on this. this was a large jungle gym that required lots of climbing. Justin needed help by the time they finally made it to the top. The end was the best part. :)

Boys and there cars :)

And Bikes :)

I know, he looks scared but i really thought he would love this ride when it got going. It was like the swings but moved up and down instead of spinning at a steady hight. Lets just say Justin and I were both crying when i asked the ride operator to stop the ride :(

This was his last ride. It was great to see that beautiful smile.