Sunday, December 20, 2009

More Snow Fun

With the sun out today Justin was outdoors loving the snow

It is so funny to watch him trying to walk and run in the fluffy white stuff

He found a very nice snowbank to play on

and slide down

By the time I took this picture Justin had been outside for a few hours :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our First Snow Fall

Our first snow fall turned into a really big storm for Delaware

Justin is all bundled up ready to play

Justin is trying to make a snowman

Trudging through the snow

Running to daddy

He said " I'm keeping this snow forever"

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Not Just a Candy Cane!

Long ago there were two villages in a far-off land. One was in a valley, and one was on a mountain top. The people in the mountain village wanted to give each person in the valley a Christmas gift. So the mountain townspeople formed a committee to think of something special. Money was limited, and each gift had to be of equal value to each person. After much time and discussion a decision was finally reached. The town's candy maker, an elderly gentleman who had loved Jesus for many years, came up with an idea - the candy cane. Now, you may be thinking, what is so special about a candy cane - and how can it ever be tied in with the real meaning of Christmas?
 Well, here is how - and why...

1. The candy cane is in the shape of a shepherd's staff. Jesus is our Shepherd, and we are His flock. A sheep follows his own shepherd, knows his voice, trusts him and knows that he is totally safe with him. The sheep will follow no other shepherd than their own. In the same way, if we belong to Jesus, we are to follow only Him. (John 10:11; Psalm 23:1; Isaiah 40:11)

2. Turned over, the candy cane is a "J," the first letter of Jesus' name. (Luke 1:31) It is made of hard candy to remind us that Christ is the "rock" of our salvation.

3. The wide red stripes on the candy cane represent the blood Jesus shed on the cross for each one of us so that we can have eternal life through Him. He restores us and cleans us with His shed blood - the only thing that can wash away our sin. (Luke 22:20)

4. The white stripes on the candy cane represent Jesus' virgin birth and His pure, sinless life. He is the only human being ever who never committed a single sin, even though He was tempted just as we are. (1 Peter 2:22)

5. The narrow red stripes on candy canes symbolize Jesus' stripes, or scars, which He got when He was arrested and whipped. The Bible says we are healed (of sin) because He took those wounds. (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24)

6. The flavoring in the candy cane is peppermint, which is similar to hyssop. Hyssop is of the mint family and was used in Old Testament times for purification and sacrifice. (John 19:29; Psalm 51:7)

7. When we break our candy cane, it reminds us that Jesus' body was broken for us. When we have communion, it is a reminder of what He did for us. (1 Corinthians 11:24)

8. AND, if we share our candy cane and give some to someone else because we love that person, we are sharing the love of Jesus. (1 John 4:7,8) God gave Himself to us when He sent Jesus to earth to save us. He loves us so much that He wants us to spend eternity with Him. We are assured of that when we accept Jesus into our hearts as our Savior. (John 1:12; John 3:3,16)

Some people believe this story of the candy cane is only a legend. Others believe it really happened this way. We do not know for sure exactly how the candy cane was invented, but one thing is certain... it is an excellent picture of Christ and His love for you. You can accept Jesus into your heart through a prayer like this:

Dear God, Thank You for loving me enough to send Jesus for Christmas. I believe Jesus died for my sins, and I accept Him now as my Savior. I promise to follow Him and share His love with others the best that I can. Amen.

Permissions: Feel free to reproduce and distribute any articles written by Randy Alcorn, in part or in whole, in any format, provided that you do not alter the wording in any way or charge a fee beyond the cost of reproduction. It is our desire to spread this information, not protect or restrict it.

Please include the following statement on any distributed copy: by Randy Alcorn, Eternal Perspective Ministries, 39085 Pioneer Blvd., Suite 206, Sandy, OR 97055, 503-668-5200,,,,

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Boy, Pajamas and a Little Imagination

    A little boy       

    A little boy in his pajamas

A little boy in pajamas and a little imagination

This costume was really fun to make!

Unfortunately my camera was on the wrong setting so this is the only picture that i could use.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Expiration Dates and Thankfulness

How often do you check the expiration date on the groceries you buy and store in your pantry? I check them when I buy them and as I want to use them. Some things have a grace period, usually seven to ten days after the sell by date. And you can freeze many of the products and they can last for months or up to a year.

Now how often do you remember to check when your vehicle registration expires? Well I thought about ours every now and then throughout the year. I knew it was in October and I even remember saying we need to get it done in the beginning of the month. Well that thought came and went as most of the information that enters my head. LOL

We were giving some friends a ride home from AWANA when I started to tell them about an unmarked police car waiting behind a vehicle and a red light with their light flashing. I was saying how nervous I would be if that were me. Dawn was saying something about expired registration and I immediately got an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. It took me a minute to realize that October was over in two days, and one of those days was a Sarurday.

I came up with a plan to leave work early on Friday and pray really hard that our van passed the inspection process. So I left work at 2:00 and headed home to get Kenny and Justin to go to the DMV, I was about ten minutes from home when I passed an officer who had just finished with a traffic stop
and was waiting to pull back out onto the road. I noticed there were no cars behind me and that the officer fell in behind me. I thought to myself “boy it's a good thing that I have one more day left to register the van or I would be getting pulled over." Me and my big stinking head! No sooner did I finish that though I hear a wooooop. Yup that was his siren, I looked up and he motioned me to the side of the road. I pulled off into a parking lot again being
thankful of the one more day I had and the fact that I was on my way to the DMV. The officer is walking up to the van and I figured he was going to remind me that my tag expires tomorrow. Now our window button broke so we have to use needle nose pliers to open it. He is at the window and I am grabbing for the pliers. I am a little anxious now because I have no idea what he is going to think I am doing with pliers. He stepped back and I could see his whole body breath a deep sigh when he realized what I was doing. He stated his name and said I pulled you over because your tags expired on the 15th.

My heart stopped and I replied. "It did! I thought it was the 31st that they expired! I was absolutely flabbergasted. He asked for my license and registration. I pulled out the registration and insurance and then reached in to my purse for my wallet. It was not there so I looked on the floor thinking it had fallen out. I got a sickly felling when I still did not find it and felt the color draining from my body. I turned to him and said, “I’m sorry but I don't have my license with me. He makes sure I own the van and then tells me to say in the van and sit tight.

My mind is going a mile a minute now because of everything that just happened and I told myself to stay calm and not to cry. He came back with a mandatory court appearance ticket and my heart sank. This is my third time getting pulled over in three years. He then proceeded to tell me that I needed to go set up a court dated by a certain day and if I went right to DMV and had proof that I did indeed register my van today and provided my license he would dismiss the charges. About a $200 Ticket, let’s just say I was relieved beyond belief.

We arrived at the DMV and made it through the inspection line and passed everything. We had a $10 late fee but heck I’d rather pay $10 more than $200 more. We are now driving legally :) whew!!

I got to thinking about expireation dates and how everything we have expires. As I stated above the food we buy expires, the clothes we wear expires do to wear and tear, out bank cards expire, credit cards expire, coupons expire and many other items expire for one reason or another.

Can you think of something that does not ever expire? I can only think of one, the love of God. Gods love will never expire it is everlasting. When you accept Jesus as your savior He will forgive you of your sins, whether it is getting pulled over for expired tags or committing a murder; if you truly accept Jesus into your heart and truly repent of your sins He will wipe your slate clean. God’s love is unconditional. I am so thankful that no matter what I have done or do God will always love me.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fifer's Apple/Pumpkin Farm

We spent part of a day with Jada and took the kids to the apple orchard. They had a great time.
Here a a few pictures I took

Justin and Jada painted pumpkins :-D

What a cutie pie!

There was a hay castle with a slide

Jada bug

Justin having fun

Kenny chillin out

A little petting zoo

Jada loved the animals

A very large hay mound with slides to go down

Playing with the duck race

More ducks in water fun!

enjoying the hay ride

in the hay maze

Finishing the corn maze

Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome to “Not Me Monday”! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can not head over to http://www.mycharmingkids. to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not start to say “Thank you for calling Lan-Chester Sheds this is Kate, How can I help you”? While I was working at the store on Sunday. Nope not me. I would never let my mind wander from the present moment and and I most definitely would not get my jobs mixed up with each other. I would not be wishing to be there than at the store.Nope not me!

I did not call my job the store because I did not recently find out that you can not be fired for saying their name over the Internet. I do not think that is absolutely lame. I do not feel that I would be promoting the store by doing it and as long as I say horrible things about it than it should not matter to them. Do not go-figure.

I am not contemplating saying the next time someone asks me to remember something that, that something “It’s stuck in my head somewhere”. I did not get that from Justin while I asked him if he remembered his lunch number. He did not hem and haw for a few minutes and look at me to finally say “It’s stuck in my head somewhere”. Instead of helping him remember it, I did not just tell him the number while I was not laughing so hard I was not crying.

I am not up at 3:30 in the morning writing this because I did not check MckMama’s site again today and did not see that she was not going to do a “Not Me Monday” this week. I do not check her blog 5-6 times a day to see if something new has not been posted. I do not get that obsessed with her writing. I am not glad that she has so many followers that she could possibly know how many time I visit her site looking for up dates. I f there was a way of tracking that than I would not be afraid she might think I was stalking her.

I am not going to go back to sleep in my sons bed because he did not climb up in my bed which is not what woke me up. He is not sprawled out all over my side of the bed. Even though he is six I do not think it is so cute to have a sleepy eyed child come staggering in my room to crawl into bed with us.

Well the rest of my Not me Monday is not “stuck in my head somewhere” and I am not going to try harder to find it for next week. I do not hope that you have an absolutely fabulous week .

Thanks for not reading :-D

Friday, September 11, 2009


Once there was a great beautiful pond although so beautiful, no frogs were ever in it, until one day
a handsome prince stopped by.

He looked and he looked and to his own eyes disbelief, there swam a single frog.

He tried with all him might to catch that single frog with his hands.He said to himself "this is just to hard".

Alas he jumped in after the frog and the frog swam right up to him.

She was the most beautiful frog the prince had ever seen.

A friendship quickly formed and the afternoon was filled with fun and laughter.

They jumped in the pond together swimming to the bottom of the pond looking for lost treasures,

and had contests to see who could swim the fastest.

After a fun filled time in the beautiful pond, Frog was getting tired. Frog and the handsome prince sat down together.

The prince told Frog some amazing stories about how he was once a Jedi and now he was Spider Boy saving the world from certain doom.

The handsome prince showed Frog how to do all the coolest tricks that can be done it the water.

After all that fun at the pond the prince wanted to show the king and queen his new friend and tell them about his day. So the prince and Frog set out for the castle.

After seeing that the king and queen were very delighted to see Frog, the prince asked if he could keep his new friend.

The queen explained that Frog needed to be able to rome free and needed to get back to her family because they were going to worry and miss her if she did not return.

Knowing that this friendship with frog would stay close to his heart, the handsome prince set off across a large rocky plain in search of a grassy paradise were Frog would be happy and she would alway be near the beautiful pond.

After finding the most spacious spot, the handsome prince said goodbye and said he hoped to see her again real soon. The prince then put Frog down so she could return home.

Wishing his time together with Frog had not gone bye so fast, the handsome prince sadly walked away.

Remembering that the Queen and King had told him that just maybe he would see his friend another day and even meet some new ones,

the handsome prince was off to a world in danger of loosing penutbutter and jelly sandwiches forever to a four legged bandit

The End.

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